
Mar 18, 2015

The Last of the Snow

The snow looks so beautiful from afar.
I took these photos from the window of my apartment a few weeks ago when we had the last snow storm of the season. The temperatures are slowly rising now and most of the snow is gone, but there is nothing like seeing snow fall from your home while you are cozying up in a blanket. Everything looks so pristine and pure white when the snow first falls. These photos will serve me as a reminder of just how lovely snow can be.

Mar 9, 2015

Current Beauty Faves

Hey guys, these products are the ones I have been using non stop recently and for good reason.

** I have been curling my lashes almost every day and it is something that makes such a huge difference. This eyelash curler by Shiseido is seriously the best eyelash curler ever! With one use, your lashes will curl and stay curled throughout the whole day. I prefer not to use mascara on a daily basis and with this eyelash curler I don't need to.

** This butter gloss by Nyx Cosmetics in Tiramisu is such a pretty color. It looks really natural with just a sheen over the lips. It is definitely my go-to color for every day.

** Ok, now for my absolute favorite product so far, this concealer or "un cover-up" by RMS Beauty is by far the best concealer/cover-up/foundation I have found for my skin. I have very sensitive skin that is oily and acne-prone so I have to be careful of what I put on my face. If I use the wrong product, I will immediately break out or get small red bumps (sucks, I know). However, I put this product almost everywhere on my face and nothing, not one break-out or crazy reaction. I set this with some translucent powder and I am good to go. I use this under my eyes for daily use and also use it as a foundation for when I want to look more put together. The best thing is that the ingredients are all natural and some are even organic. I cannot say enough great things about this product! I should have probably just done a post on this product only as I am rambling on about it :)

** Lastly, this hand cream by Soap & Glory is the best for winter. This hand cream prevents my hand from getting really dry and flaky. It leaves my hands soft and as if it was summer out :)

Mar 5, 2015


I wanted to do a different type of "lately" post and give you an update on what I've been up to, so here we go.

Watching - My fiancĂ© and I have been really into watching space and astronomy documentaries. It's crazy how much I am learning that I had no idea about, (in case you didn't know but I am a big astronomy nerd) I have also have been watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix which I mostly watch when I am knitting, it is pretty funny and reminds me a lot of The Office, one of my favorite shows.

Looking forward to - getting married this Spring! I am so excited to be marrying my boyfriend of 10 years, it is about time we tie the knot right? We are doing a destination wedding so I will definitely be sharing some photos with you soon.

Drinking - lots of green smoothies or as I like to call them, detox shakes. I mostly drink these on the weekend when I need to detoxify my body of all the heavy foods that winter makes me crave. I will most probably share a post on my green smoothies soon, I love making them!

Working on - knitting, knitting, knitting! :) I am still knitting away scarves, I find that always working on your craft keeps you motivated and helps with coming up with ideas. I am also working on new knit ideas for spring and summer which I am really looking forward to. Picking new colors and yarns for a new season is a fun part on its own.

Exploring - photography, I have always loved capturing moments and taking photos of details and places that I come across. I want to just get out there and start taking photos of things that capture my eye, random moments of times spent with my loved ones, and just anything that I find interesting along the way. Some of images will most probably make it on to this blog, it is something that I really want to incorporate here. Visual depictions of moments in my surroundings is something I would like to share on my blog.

Let me know what you guys have been up to, thanks for reading :)